ReputationSimple® offers reputation management and reputation marketing services for businesses and individuals. Our service are fixed with a “no surprises” flat rate monthly fee. ReputationSimple® offers a series of E-Books on SEO & ORM as well as exclusive, on-site workshops for clients.
What is the secret? The search engine algorithm seeks out information that the greatest number of persons and institutions find useful, informative and interesting. Through a unique proprietary combination of technological know-how, Internet marketing and public relations strategies ReputationSimple pulls multiple and disperse sources of information into focus for the search engines and allow them to see the information with more connectivity and clarity. Imagine trying to read a book without proper eyesight. It is as though the search engine is reading a book without glasses and ReputationSimple provides brings the positive information into focus. Thus, the search engine finds the information you want it to find and it ranks higher on the Internet. ReputationSimple accomplishes this by strengthening your existing web resources and generating positive content to exponentially strengthen your digital footprint so you can enhance and optimize positive information — the information you want your constituents, donors, customers and opinion makers to see!
We have all learned the destructive and long-term impact of online character assassination, negative reviews, negative campaigning and targeted blogging. ReputationSimple has also become a recognized nationwide leader in Online Reputation Management (ORM). ReputationSimple’s experts employ similar proprietary techniques to scan and monitor the web to identify existing and potential reputational threats. ReputationSimple then uses its unique understanding of Internet technologies, Online brand defense and search engine optimization in conjunction with crisis management and legal strategies to not only prepare the page one terrain for coming reputational attacks, but also remove or suppress negative content and replace it with positive content. A business, institution, or person that has spent years building a positive reputation can have it destroyed in seconds. ReputationSimple uses all means at its disposal to prevent that from happening.
ReputationSimple brings unmatched technological, marketing, and public relations expertise together with tailored problem-solving approaches. ReputationSimple Reputation Services prides itself on rejecting one-size-fits-all approaches and instead reverse-engineering solutions to bring our clients the fastest and most efficient results to their particular problems. Count on the experts at ReputationSimple Reputation Services to solve your page one puzzle and show the world what you want it to see.
ReputationSimple Reputation Services Process – Individual
- Consultation with a reputation advisor 30 minutes
- Client provides search terms, first, last and title
- Assessment is conducted within two (2) working days
- Assessment results are emailed to client and appointment is set with a Reputation Advisor for 30 minutes to walk the client through the results and discuss strategy and options.
Crafting Your Unique Online Reputation
Customized website
These are websites that are blogs created for you. We will use a domain with your first and last name .com, .org etc. These sites will be owned and hosted by you directly. Your reputation advisor will walk you through how to purchase your domain/s and hosting. A domain and hosting package is typically, $24 per month through vendors like You will choose from template designs in our inventory for the site/s. The site/s start out with placeholder content and images which is for your review only. We will customize these sites with your provided and or approved content and they will be optimized for the search engines. The site/s are held on a temporary, hidden domain for your review and approval before we publish them to the search engines and the public.
Content Refresh
Content relates to videos, images, articles and press releases. You will be asked for professional images of yourself, published and unpublished work, your detailed resume and an about you description. This is a very interactive process and requires your approval for each step.
Third party websites
These are websites that are hosted and owned by third parties. For example, Linkedin, Google Plus and more. These sites have a high page rank or authority and are well received in the search engines historically. The third party websites are customized for you based on provided or approved content and will be optimized for the search engines.
Search Terms
These are the ways in which your name may be used by someone searching for information about you. Selecting the proper search terms in imperative to your project’s success and your Reputation Advisor will walk you through the selection process. These would include a review of the autofill feature.
An autofill is the organic suggestions to any search, see example in the image below:
Active Project Length
Once, the project’s term is completed, you will receive a file containing:
- Online website domain hyperlinks. For example or
- Login & Passwords to all websites and profiles
- Website files for your Customized Websites
- Best Practices instructions for refreshing/posting new content
- Support ticketing system option; paid questions & answers helpdesk
- Option to continue with monthly refresh quotation